
Sarvangasana: The Queen of Yoga Postures

Sarvangasana is a fantastic posture that gets the feet up and over the head and as a result recycles blood from the feet back to heart, aids in digestion, helps to tone the abdomen and due to the pressure around the neck, also activates the thyroid gland which can help reduce anxiety and regulate metabolism and sleeping patterns. Read more about the psycho/physical benefits of Sarvangasana here.

The secret to this posture is the breath. Once you are up in the air it may be difficult to think about breathing, but attempt to breathe deeply and slowly. Bring attention to the throat and then the belly to get the full benefits of this posture.

The first step of Sarvangasana requires you to lay down in Savasana with palms facing downward. Bring feet and legs together and with the inhale bring knees to the forehead. Support the body with the palms of the hands, fingers pointed towards the spine. Try and bring the elbows in and the palms close to the shoulders.

Find your balance here first.

Once you feel comfortable here, inhale and lift the legs up into the air. Bring the pelvis forward (towards your face) to straighten yourself and utilize those abdomen and glut muscles to find a comfortable position and to maintain your balance.

Breathe deeply and slowly into the belly and try to relax into the posture.

If you can’t lift your legs just yet, don’t go straining your neck trying to. Just remain in the first part of the posture with your knees to your forehead. You are still in an inverted position and your thyroid is still being activated. If getting your knees to your forehead is too much, feel free to use a wall to rest your legs on and a bolster to lift your hips.  Let your arms rest by your side or over your head.

Once you can get your feet and hips up in the air and aligned you may be ready to bring your hands down to the ground and maintain your balance this way.

Take it one step even further and try to balance first with one hand, and then with no hands. Feel your abdomen activate. No strain in the neck. Bring the weight of the body over the shoulders and remember to breathe!