
Matsyasana: The Fish Pose

Matsayasana also known as the fish pose because it kind of looks the way a fish does when it is flopping around out of water…but don’t let that discourage you from the benefits of this posture. Like Sarvangasana, this posture works on the thyroid but also opens the heart chakra while also helping to alleviate breathing problems such as asthma. The secret is to breathe deep into the belly and then the chest.

Rest in Savasana, and bring your arms under your body. Palms down and touching, elbows straight. Extend the arms and hands to the back of the knees. Inhale and bring your head up and come forward bringing the weight of your body onto your elbows. Let the head drop back and slowly allow it to rest on the floor. Use the muscles in your shoulder girdle to lift your chest up and remove tension in the neck. Breathe deep and attempt to stay in the posture for as long as you did Halasana.

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